Source code for subwabbit.base

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Iterable, Any, Optional

class VowpalWabbitError(Exception):

[docs]class VowpalWabbitBaseFormatter(ABC): """ Formatter translates structured information about context and items to Vowpal Wabbit's input format: It also can implement reverse translation, from Vowpal Wabbits feature names into human readable feature names. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def format_common_features(self, common_features: Any, debug_info: Any = None) -> str: """ Return part of VW line with features that are common for one call of predict/train. This method will run just once per one call of :class:`subwabbit.base.VowpalWabbitBaseModel`'s `predict()` or `train()` method. :param common_features: Features common for all items :param debug_info: Optional dict that can be filled by information useful for debugging :return: Part of line that is common for each item in one call. Returned string has to start with '|' symbol. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def format_item_features(self, common_features: Any, item_features: Any, debug_info: Any = None) -> str: """ Return part of VW line with features specific to each item. This method will run for each item per one call of :class:`subwabbit.base.VowpalWabbitBaseModel`'s `predict()` or `train()` method. .. note:: It is a good idea to cache results of this method. :param common_features: Features common for all items :param item_features: Features for item :param debug_info: Optional dict that can be filled by information useful for debugging :return: Part of line that is specific for item. Depends on whether namespaces are used or not in ``format_common_features`` method: - namespaces are used: returned string has to start with ``'|NAMESPACE_NAME'`` where `NAMESPACE_NAME` is the name of some namespace - namespaces are not used: returned string should not contain '|' symbol """ raise NotImplementedError()
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,no-self-use
[docs] def get_formatted_example(self, common_line_part: str, item_line_part: str, label: Optional[float] = None, weight: Optional[float] = None, debug_info: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Compose valid VW line from its common and item-dependent parts. :param common_line_part: Part of line that is common for each item in one call. :param item_line_part: Part of line specific for each item :param label: Label of this row :param weight: Optional weight of row :param debug_info: Optional dict that can be filled by information useful for debugging :return: One VW line in input format: """ if label is not None: return ' '.join(( str(label), str(weight) if weight is not None else '', common_line_part, item_line_part )) return ' '.join((common_line_part, item_line_part))
[docs] def get_human_readable_explanation(self, explanation_string: str, feature_translator: Any = None) -> List[Dict]: """ Transform explanation string into more readable form. Every feature used for prediction is translated into this structure: .. code-block:: python { # For each feature used in higher interaction there is a 2-tuple 'names': [('Human readable namespace name 1', 'Human readable feature name 1'), ...], 'original_feature_name': 'c^c8*f^f102' # feature name how vowpal sees it, 'hashindex': 123, # Vowpal's internal hash of feature name 'value': 0.123, # value for feature in input line 'weight': -0.534, # weight learned by VW for this feature 'potential': value * weight, 'relative_potential': abs(potential) / sum_of_abs_potentials_for_all_features } :param explanation_string: Explanation string from :func:`~VowpalWabbitBaseModel.explain_vw_line` :param feature_translator: Any object that can help you with translation of feature names into human readable form, for example some database connection. See :func:`~VowpalWabbitBaseFormatter.parse_element` :return: List of dicts, sorted by contribution to final score """ parsed_features = [] potential_sum = 0.0 for feature in [f.split(':') for f in explanation_string.split('\t')]: feature_name = feature[0] hash_index = feature[1] value = float(feature[2]) weight = float(feature[3].split('@')[0]) # quadratic and higher level interactions have multiple features for one weight feature_name_parts = feature_name.split('*') parsed_feature_name_parts = [self.parse_element(el, feature_translator) for el in feature_name_parts] parsed_features.append({ 'names': parsed_feature_name_parts, 'original_feature_name': feature_name, 'hashindex': int(hash_index), 'value': value, 'weight': weight, 'potential': value * weight }) potential_sum += abs(value * weight) if potential_sum == 0: # can happen in case all features are unknown potential_sum = 1 for parsed_feature in parsed_features: parsed_feature['relative_potential'] = abs(parsed_feature['potential'] / potential_sum) # type: ignore return list(sorted(parsed_features, key=lambda f: f['relative_potential'], reverse=True))
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def get_human_readable_explanation_html(self, explanation_string: str, feature_translator: Any = None, max_rows: Optional[int] = None): """ Visualize importance of features in Jupyter notebook. :param explanation_string: Explanation string from :func:`~VowpalWabbitBaseModel.explain_vw_line` :param feature_translator: Any object that can help you with translation, e.g. some database connection. :param max_rows: Maximum number of most important features. None return all used features. :return: `IPython.core.display.HTML` """ try: from IPython.core.display import HTML except ImportError: raise ImportError('Please install IPython to use this method') explanation = self.get_human_readable_explanation(explanation_string, feature_translator) rows = [] for row_number, feature in enumerate(explanation): if max_rows is not None and (row_number + 1) > max_rows: break feature_name = '' for name in feature['names']: if feature_name: feature_name += ''' <span style="color: grey; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;">IN COMBINATION WITH</span> ''' feature_name += name[0] feature_name += ': <i>{}</i>'.format(name[1]) rows.append( ''' <tr> <td> <div style="display: block; width: 100px; border: solid 1px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px;"> <div style="display: block; width: {width}%; height: 20px; background-color: {color}; overflow: hidden;"></div> </div> </td> <td>{potential:.4f}</td> <td> {feature_value:.4f} </td> <td> {feature_weight:.4f} </td> <td> {feature_name} </td> </tr> '''.format( width=feature['relative_potential'] * 100, color='green' if feature['potential'] > 0 else 'red', potential=feature['potential'], feature_value=feature['value'], feature_weight=feature['weight'], feature_name=feature_name ) ) return HTML(''' <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Relative potential</th> <th>Potential</th> <th>Value</th> <th>Weight</th> <th>Feature name</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> ''' + ''.join(rows) + ''' </tbody> </table>''')
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use
[docs] def parse_element(self, element: str, feature_translator: Any = None) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ This method is supposed to translate namespace name and feature name to human readable form. For example, element can be "a_item_id^i123" and result can be ('Item ID', 'News of the day: ID of item is 123') :param element: namespace name and feature name, e.g. a_item_id^i123 :param feature_translator: Any object that can help you with translation, e.g. some database connection :return: tuple(human understandable namespace name, human understandable feature name) """ splitted = element.split('^') if len(splitted) == 1: return '', splitted[0] return splitted[0], splitted[1]
[docs]class VowpalWabbitDummyFormatter(VowpalWabbitBaseFormatter): """ Formatter that assumes that either common features and item features are already formatted VW input format strings. """ def format_common_features(self, common_features: str, debug_info: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None) -> str: return common_features def format_item_features(self, common_features: Any, item_features: str, debug_info: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None) -> str: return item_features
[docs]class VowpalWabbitBaseModel(ABC): """ Declaration of Vowpal Wabbit model interface. """ def __init__(self, formatter: VowpalWabbitBaseFormatter): self.formatter = formatter super().__init__() # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] @abstractmethod def predict( self, common_features: Any, items_features: Iterable[Any], timeout: Optional[float] = None, debug_info: Any = None, metrics: Optional[Dict] = None, detailed_metrics: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Iterable[float]: """ Transforms iterable with item features to iterator of predictions. :param common_features: Features common for all items :param items_features: Iterable with features for each item :param timeout: Optionally specify how much time in seconds is desired for computing predictions. In case timeout is passed, returned iterator can has less items that items features iterable. :param debug_info: Some object that can be filled by information useful for debugging. :param metrics: Optional dict that is populated with some metrics that are good to monitor. :param detailed_metrics: Optional dict with more detailed (and more time consuming) metrics that are good for debugging and profiling. :return: Iterable with predictions for each item from ``items_features`` """ raise NotImplementedError()
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] @abstractmethod def train( self, common_features: Any, items_features: Iterable[Any], labels: Iterable[float], weights: Iterable[Optional[float]], debug_info: Any = None ) -> None: """ Transform features, label and weight into VW line format and send it to Vowpal. :param common_features: Features common for all items :param items_features: Iterable with features for each item :param labels: Iterable with same length as items features with label for each item :param weights: Iterable with same length as items features with optional weight for each item :param debug_info: Some object that can be filled by information useful for debugging """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def explain_vw_line(self, vw_line: str, link_function: bool = False): """ Uses VW audit mode to inspect weights used for prediction. Audit mode has to be turned on by passing ``audit_mode=True`` to constructor. :param vw_line: String in VW line format :param link_function: If your model use link function, pass True :return: (raw prediction without use of link function, explanation string) """ raise NotImplementedError()