Source code for subwabbit.blocking

import logging
import time
import subprocess
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Any, List, Optional

from .base import VowpalWabbitError, VowpalWabbitBaseModel, VowpalWabbitBaseFormatter

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VowpalWabbitProcess(VowpalWabbitBaseModel): """ Class representing Vowpal Wabbit model. It runs ``vw`` command through subprocess library and communicates through pipes. """ # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called,too-many-arguments
[docs] def __init__(self, formatter: VowpalWabbitBaseFormatter, vw_args: List, batch_size: int = 20, write_only: bool = False, audit_mode: bool = False): """ :param formatter: Instance of :class:`subwabbit.base.VowpalWabbitBaseFormatter` :param vw_args: List of command line arguments for vw command, eg. ['-q', '::'] This list MUST NOT specify `-p` argument for `vw` command :param batch_size: Number of lines communicated to Vowpal in one system call, has influence on performance. Smaller batches slightly reduces latencies and throughput. :param write_only: whether we expect to get predictions or we will just train This can greatly improve training performance but disables predicting. :param audit_mode: When set to True, VW is launched in audit mode with `-a` argument (overwrites `-t` argument). This allows to run `explain_vw_line` and `get_human_readable_explanation` methods. .. warning:: WARNING: When audit_mode is turned on, it is not possible to call other methods then `explain_vw_line`. """ self.formatter = formatter self.vw_args = vw_args self.batch_size = batch_size self.write_only = write_only self.audit_mode = audit_mode if self.write_only: output = ['-p', '/dev/null'] stdout = None else: output = ['-p', '/dev/stdout'] stdout = subprocess.PIPE if self.audit_mode: self.vw_args = self.vw_args.copy() if '-t' in vw_args: self.vw_args.remove('-t') if '-a' not in self.vw_args: self.vw_args.append('-a') 'Instantiating VW process with arguments %s, batch_size=%i, write_only=%s, audit_mode=%s', str(self.vw_args), self.batch_size, self.write_only, self.audit_mode ) self.vw_process = subprocess.Popen(['vw'] + output + self.vw_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=stdout) if not (self.write_only or self.audit_mode): self.unprocessed_batch_sizes = [] # type: List
def __del__(self): try: self.close() except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass
[docs] def close(self): """ Gracefully stop Vowpal Wabbit process """ self.vw_process.stdin.close() if not self.write_only: # We have to exhaust stdout of subprocess # or it can cause deadlock in calling wait() # see Note at: stdout_not_empty = self.vw_process.stdout.readlines() if stdout_not_empty: logger.warning('You left some data in Vowpal stdout buffer: %s', str(stdout_not_empty)) self.vw_process.stdout.close() # VW should exit after closing its stdin, so lets wait for it if self.vw_process.wait(timeout=120) != 0: raise VowpalWabbitError('Vowpal Wabbit process returned non-zero return code')
def _check_empty_buffer(self): if hasattr(self, 'unprocessed_batch_sizes') and self.unprocessed_batch_sizes: raise Exception( 'Unprocessed batches sended to vowpal, so you can not' ' communicate with vowpal synchronously' ) # pylint: disable=arguments-differ,too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-many-branches
[docs] def predict( self, common_features: Any, items_features: Iterable[Any], timeout: Optional[float] = None, debug_info: Any = None, metrics: Optional[Dict] = None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument detailed_metrics: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Iterable[float]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Transforms iterable with item features to iterator of predictions. :param common_features: Features common for all items :param items_features: Iterable with features for each item :param timeout: Optionally specify how much time in seconds is desired for computing predictions. In case timeout is passed, returned iterator can has less items that items features iterable. :param debug_info: Some object that can be filled by information useful for debugging. :param metrics: Optional dict populated with metrics that are good to monitor: - ``prepare_time`` - Time from call start to start of prediction loop, including ``format_common_features`` call - ``total_time`` - Total time spend in predict call - ``num_lines`` - Count of predictions performed :param detailed_metrics: Optional dict with more detailed (and more time consuming) metrics that are good for debugging and profiling: - ``generating_lines_time`` - time spent by generating VW line - ``sending_lines_time`` - time spent by sending VW lines to OS pipe buffer - ``receiving_lines_time`` - time spent by reading predictions from OS pipe buffer For each key, there will be list of tuples (time, metric value). :return: Iterable with predictions for each item from ``items_features`` """ if self.write_only: raise VowpalWabbitError('Can not predict in write only mode') total_t0 = time.perf_counter() please_respond_to = None # type: Optional[float] if timeout: please_respond_to = total_t0 + timeout if metrics is not None: metrics['num_lines'] = 0 if detailed_metrics is not None: detailed_metrics['generating_lines_time'] = [] detailed_metrics['sending_lines_time'] = [] detailed_metrics['receiving_lines_time'] = [] common_line_part = self.formatter.format_common_features(common_features, debug_info=debug_info) batch = [] first_pass = True _get_item_line_part = self.formatter.format_item_features # for faster access in for-loop _get_vw_line = self.formatter.get_formatted_example # for faster access in for-loop if metrics: metrics['prepare_time'] = time.perf_counter() - total_t0 for item_features in items_features: if please_respond_to is not None and time.perf_counter() > please_respond_to: break t0 = time.perf_counter() item_line_part = _get_item_line_part(common_features, item_features, debug_info=debug_info) vw_line = _get_vw_line(common_line_part, item_line_part, debug_info=debug_info) if detailed_metrics: detailed_metrics['generating_lines_time'].append((time.perf_counter(), time.perf_counter() - t0)) batch.append(vw_line) if len(batch) >= self.batch_size: # Send data to vowpal process self._send_lines_to_vowpal(batch, detailed_metrics, debug_info=debug_info) # First pass we want to let vowpal do its work, # while we prepare next batch at parallel (big speedup ;) if not first_pass: # Get predictions from previous batch for prediction in self._get_predictions_from_vowpal(detailed_metrics, debug_info=debug_info): yield prediction if metrics: metrics['num_lines'] += 1 else: first_pass = False batch = [] if batch and (please_respond_to is None or time.perf_counter() < please_respond_to): # We have some items in batch yet self._send_lines_to_vowpal(batch, detailed_metrics, debug_info=debug_info) # Get predictions from last batch processed in for-loop for prediction in self._get_predictions_from_vowpal(detailed_metrics, debug_info=debug_info): yield prediction if metrics: metrics['num_lines'] += 1 # Get predictions from last batch processed in for-loop # Or from batch processed after for-loop, # if we had some items in batch after exiting the loop if not first_pass: for prediction in self._get_predictions_from_vowpal(detailed_metrics, debug_info=debug_info): yield prediction if metrics: metrics['num_lines'] += 1 if metrics: metrics['total_time'] = time.perf_counter() - total_t0
[docs] def train( self, common_features: Any, items_features: Iterable[Any], labels: Iterable[float], weights: Iterable[Optional[float]], debug_info: Any = None) -> None: common_line_part = self.formatter.format_common_features(common_features, debug_info=debug_info) batch = [] first_pass = True _get_item_line_part = self.formatter.format_item_features # for faster access in for-loop _get_vw_line = self.formatter.get_formatted_example # for faster access in for-loop for item_features, label, weight in zip(items_features, labels, weights): item_line_part = _get_item_line_part(common_features, item_features, debug_info=debug_info) vw_line = _get_vw_line(common_line_part, item_line_part, label=label, weight=weight, debug_info=debug_info) batch.append(vw_line) if len(batch) >= self.batch_size: self._send_lines_to_vowpal(batch, debug_info=debug_info) batch = [] # First pass we want to let vowpal do its work, # while we prepare next batch at parallel (big speedup ;) if not first_pass: if not self.write_only: # If we do not use write_only=True option for training # we have to take care about reading what vowpal tells us # as well. Other way potential next calls to # predict() will fail and deadlocks can occur. self._get_predictions_from_vowpal(debug_info=debug_info) else: first_pass = False if batch: self._send_lines_to_vowpal(batch, debug_info=debug_info) if not self.write_only: # Get predictions from last batch processed in for-loop: # If we do not use write_only=True option for training # we have to take care about reading what vowpal tells us # as well. Other way potential next calls to # predict() will fail and deadlocks can occur. self._get_predictions_from_vowpal(debug_info=debug_info) # Get predictions from last batch processed in for-loop # Or from batch processed after for-loop, # if we had some items in batch after exiting the loop. # If we do not use write_only=True option for training # we have to take care about reading what vowpal tells us # as well. Other way potential next calls to # predict() will fail and deadlocks can occur. if not self.write_only and not first_pass: self._get_predictions_from_vowpal(debug_info=debug_info)
[docs] def explain_vw_line(self, vw_line: str, link_function=False): if not self.audit_mode: raise Exception('Explaining is available only in audit mode') self._check_empty_buffer() self.vw_process.stdin.write(bytes(vw_line.replace('\n', '').strip() + '\n', 'utf-8')) self.vw_process.stdin.flush() prediction, explain = ( self.vw_process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8').strip(), self.vw_process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8').strip(), ) if link_function: # When using link function, VW returns linked score as third result _ = self.vw_process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8').strip() return float(prediction), explain
def _send_lines_to_vowpal(self, lines, detailed_metrics=None, debug_info=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument t0 = time.perf_counter() self.vw_process.stdin.write(bytes('\n'.join(lines) + '\n', 'utf-8')) self.vw_process.stdin.flush() if detailed_metrics: detailed_metrics['sending_lines_time'].append((time.perf_counter(), time.perf_counter() - t0)) if not self.write_only: # We save number of lines sended to vowpal # so we can get predictions only for this batch in # next call of _get_predictions_from_vowpal method self.unprocessed_batch_sizes.append(len(lines)) def _get_predictions_from_vowpal(self, detailed_metrics=None, debug_info=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # There should be check whether instance is not in write-only mode, # but for predictions we have to be damn fast so eventually # let this method fail on calling pop(0) on empty list num_predictions = self.unprocessed_batch_sizes.pop(0) t0 = time.perf_counter() predictions = [] received_line = None try: for _ in range(num_predictions): received_line = self.vw_process.stdout.readline().strip() predictions.append(float(received_line.split()[0])) except (ValueError, IndexError): raise ValueError('Wrong format of prediction: "%s"', received_line) if detailed_metrics: detailed_metrics['receiving_lines_time'].append((time.perf_counter(), time.perf_counter() - t0)) return predictions