Source code for subwabbit.nonblocking

import fcntl
import logging
import time
import os
import platform
import subprocess
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Any, List, Optional

from .base import VowpalWabbitError, VowpalWabbitBaseModel, VowpalWabbitBaseFormatter

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if platform.system() != 'Linux':
    raise NotImplementedError('Currently only linux is supported')

[docs]class VowpalWabbitNonBlockingProcess(VowpalWabbitBaseModel): """ Class representing Vowpal Wabbit model. It runs vw bash command through subprocess library and communicates through non-blocking pipes. .. warning:: Available on Linux only. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,super-init-not-called
[docs] def __init__(self, formatter: VowpalWabbitBaseFormatter, vw_args: List, batch_size: int = 20, audit_mode: bool = False, max_pending_lines: int = 20, write_timeout_ms: float = 0.001, pipe_buffer_size_bytes: Optional[int] = None): """ :param formatter: Instance of :class:`subwabbit.base.VowpalWabbitBaseFormatter` :param vw_args: List of command line arguments for vw command, eg. ['-q', '::'] This list MUST NOT specify `-p` argument for `vw` command :param batch_size: Maximum number of lines communicated to Vowpal in one system call. Smaller batches means less system calls overhead, but also higher risk of keeping mess for other calls. :param audit_mode: When turned on, VW is launched in audit mode with `-a` argument (overwrites `-t` argument). This allows to run `explain_vw_line` and `get_human_readable_explanation` methods. :param max_pending_lines: How many lines can wait for prediction in buffers. Recommended to set it to same value as `batch_size`, but it can be higher. :param write_timeout_ms: When `predict` is called with timeout, then `write_timeout_ms` before timeout sending lines to vowpal stops. It provides time to finish work without keeping mess that next call have to clean. :param pipe_buffer_size_bytes: Optionally set size of system buffer for sending lines to Vowpal. None means use default buffer size, for more details see and ``detailed_metrics`` argument of :func:`~VowpalWabbitNonBlockingProcess.predict` method .. warning:: WARNING: When audit_mode is turned on, it is not possible to call other methods then `explain_vw_line`. """ self.formatter = formatter self.vw_args = vw_args self.batch_size = batch_size self.audit_mode = audit_mode self.max_pending_lines = max_pending_lines self.write_timeout_ms = write_timeout_ms output = ['-p', '/dev/stdout'] stdout = subprocess.PIPE if self.audit_mode: self.vw_args = self.vw_args.copy() if '-t' in vw_args: self.vw_args.remove('-t') if '-a' not in self.vw_args: self.vw_args.append('-a') 'Instantiating VW process with arguments %s, batch_size=%i, audit_mode=%s', str(self.vw_args), self.batch_size, self.audit_mode ) self.vw_process = subprocess.Popen(['vw'] + output + self.vw_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=stdout, bufsize=0) if not self.audit_mode: if pipe_buffer_size_bytes is not None: # change buffer size for STDIN F_SETPIPE_SZ = 1031 # pylint: disable=invalid-name F_GETPIPE_SZ = 1032 # pylint: disable=invalid-name,unused-variable fcntl.fcntl(self.vw_process.stdin, F_SETPIPE_SZ, pipe_buffer_size_bytes) # set pipes as nonblocking old_in_flags = fcntl.fcntl(self.vw_process.stdin.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(self.vw_process.stdin.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, old_in_flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) old_out_flags = fcntl.fcntl(self.vw_process.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(self.vw_process.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, old_out_flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) if not self.audit_mode: self._pending_lines = 0 self._unprocessed_buffer = b'' self._unwritten_buffer = b''
def __del__(self): try: self.close() except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass def close(self): self.vw_process.stdin.close() # We have to exhaust stdout of subprocess # or it can cause deadlock in calling wait() # see Note at: self.vw_process.stdout.readall() self.vw_process.stdout.close() # VW should exit itself after closing its stdin, so lets wait for it if self.vw_process.wait(timeout=120) != 0: raise VowpalWabbitError('Vowpal Wabbit process returned non-zero return code')
[docs] def cleanup(self, deadline: Optional[float] = None, debug_info: Any = None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Cleans buffers after previous calls :param deadline: Optional unix timestamp to end """ while self._pending_lines > 0 and (deadline is None or time.perf_counter() < deadline): self._send_lines_to_vowpal([]) if deadline is None or time.perf_counter() < deadline: list(self._get_predictions_from_vowpal())
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements,arguments-differ,too-many-branches
[docs] def predict( self, common_features: Any, items_features: Iterable[Any], timeout: Optional[float] = None, debug_info: Any = None, metrics: Optional[Dict] = None, detailed_metrics: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Iterable[float]: """ Transforms iterable with item features to iterator of predictions. :param common_features: Features common for all items :param items_features: Iterable with features for each item :param timeout: Optionally specify how much time in seconds is desired for computing predictions. In case timeout is passed, returned iterator can has less items that items features iterable. :param debug_info: Some object that can be filled by information useful for debugging. :param metrics: Optional dict populated with metrics that are good to monitor: - ``cleanup_time`` - Time spent on cleaning buffers after last calls - ``before_cleanup_pending_lines`` - Count of lines pending in buffers before cleaning - ``after_cleanup_pending_lines`` - Count of lines pending in buffers after cleaning - ``prepare_time`` - Time from call start to start of prediction loop, including ``format_common_features`` call - ``total_time`` - Total time spend in predict call - ``num_lines`` - Count of predictions performed :param detailed_metrics: Optional dict with more detailed (and more time consuming) metrics that are good for debugging and profiling: - ``sending_bytes`` - number of bytes (VW lines) sent to OS pipe buffer - ``receiving_bytes`` - number of bytes (predictions) received from OS pipe buffer - ``pending_lines`` - number of pending lines sent to VW at the time - ``generating_lines_time`` - time spent by generating VW lines batch - ``sending_lines_time`` - time spent by sending lines to OS pipe buffer - ``receiving_lines_time`` - time spent by receiving predictions from OS pipe buffer For each key, there will be list of tuples (time, metric value). :return: Iterable with predictions for each item from ``items_features`` """ total_t0 = time.perf_counter() deadline = None # type: Optional[float] deadline_write = None # type: Optional[float] if timeout: deadline = total_t0 + timeout deadline_write = deadline - self.write_timeout_ms if metrics is not None: metrics['num_lines'] = 0 if detailed_metrics is not None: detailed_metrics['sending_bytes'] = [] detailed_metrics['receiving_bytes'] = [] detailed_metrics['pending_lines'] = [] detailed_metrics['generating_lines_time'] = [] detailed_metrics['sending_lines_time'] = [] detailed_metrics['receiving_lines_time'] = [] if metrics: metrics['before_cleanup_pending_lines'] = self._pending_lines t0 = time.perf_counter() self.cleanup(deadline, debug_info=debug_info) if metrics: metrics['cleanup_time'] = time.perf_counter() - t0 metrics['after_cleanup_pending_lines'] = self._pending_lines common_line_part = self.formatter.format_common_features(common_features, debug_info=debug_info) batch = [] all_lines_generated = False # we need to transform it to iterator, because we will consume it more than once # and we assume that each iteration will start where previous ended items_features = iter(items_features) _get_item_line_part = self.formatter.format_item_features # for faster access in for-loop _get_vw_line = self.formatter.get_formatted_example # for faster access in for-loop if metrics: metrics['prepare_time'] = time.perf_counter() - total_t0 while deadline is None or time.perf_counter() < deadline: # generate batch of lines t0 = time.perf_counter() if deadline_write is None or time.perf_counter() < deadline_write: batch_size = min(self.batch_size, self.max_pending_lines - self._pending_lines) if batch_size >= 0: for item_features in items_features: item_line_part = _get_item_line_part(common_features, item_features, debug_info=debug_info) vw_line = _get_vw_line(common_line_part, item_line_part, debug_info=debug_info) batch.append(vw_line) if len(batch) >= batch_size or (deadline_write is not None and time.perf_counter() > deadline_write): break else: all_lines_generated = True if detailed_metrics: detailed_metrics['generating_lines_time'].append((time.perf_counter(), time.perf_counter() - t0)) # send lines to vowpal if there are some t0 = time.perf_counter() if deadline is None or time.perf_counter() < deadline: if batch or self._unwritten_buffer: self._send_lines_to_vowpal(batch, detailed_metrics, debug_info=debug_info) batch = [] if detailed_metrics: detailed_metrics['sending_lines_time'].append((time.perf_counter(), time.perf_counter() - t0)) # receiving predictions from vowpal t0 = time.perf_counter() if (deadline is None or time.perf_counter() < deadline) and self._pending_lines > 0: for prediction in self._get_predictions_from_vowpal(detailed_metrics, debug_info=debug_info): yield prediction if metrics: metrics['num_lines'] += 1 if detailed_metrics: detailed_metrics['receiving_lines_time'].append((time.perf_counter(), time.perf_counter() - t0)) detailed_metrics['pending_lines'].append((time.perf_counter(), self._pending_lines)) # Other stopping crierions: if self._pending_lines == 0: # - all available lines are generated (and sended) and there are no pending lines, all work is done if all_lines_generated: break # - if timeout is passed, there are no pending lines and it is after deadline_write, # no more lines will be written, all work is done if deadline_write is not None and time.perf_counter() > deadline_write: break if metrics: metrics['total_time'] = time.perf_counter() - total_t0
[docs] def train( self, common_features: Any, items_features: Iterable[Any], labels: Iterable[float], weights: Iterable[Optional[float]], debug_info: Any = None) -> None: raise NotImplementedError('Please use blocking implementation')
[docs] def explain_vw_line(self, vw_line: str, link_function=False): if not self.audit_mode: raise Exception('Explaining is available only in audit mode') self.vw_process.stdin.write(bytes(vw_line.replace('\n', '').strip() + '\n', 'utf-8')) self.vw_process.stdin.flush() prediction, explain = ( self.vw_process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8').strip(), self.vw_process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8').strip(), ) if link_function: # When using link function, VW returns linked score as third result _ = self.vw_process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8').strip() return float(prediction), explain
def _send_lines_to_vowpal(self, lines, detailed_metrics=None, debug_info=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if lines: write_bytes = self._unwritten_buffer + bytes('\n'.join(lines) + '\n', 'utf-8') else: write_bytes = self._unwritten_buffer if not write_bytes: return num_bytes_written = self.vw_process.stdin.write(write_bytes) if num_bytes_written is None: num_bytes_written = 0 if num_bytes_written == 0: self._unwritten_buffer = write_bytes elif len(write_bytes) > num_bytes_written: self._unwritten_buffer = write_bytes[num_bytes_written:] else: self._unwritten_buffer = b'' self._pending_lines += len(lines) if detailed_metrics: detailed_metrics['sending_bytes'].append((time.perf_counter(), num_bytes_written)) def _get_predictions_from_vowpal(self, detailed_metrics=None, debug_info=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument read_buffer = if read_buffer is None: if detailed_metrics is not None: detailed_metrics['receiving_bytes'].append((time.perf_counter(), 0)) return if detailed_metrics is not None: detailed_metrics['receiving_bytes'].append((time.perf_counter(), len(read_buffer))) last_newline_pos = read_buffer.rfind(b'\n') if last_newline_pos < 0: # we read some data, but we do not have complete line to process yet self._unprocessed_buffer = self._unprocessed_buffer + read_buffer return processed_lines = 0 for prediction in (self._unprocessed_buffer + read_buffer[0:last_newline_pos+1]).splitlines(): if prediction: yield float(prediction) processed_lines += 1 self._unprocessed_buffer = read_buffer[last_newline_pos+1:] self._pending_lines -= processed_lines